Acknowledgements for Schedule Games

I've learned about schedule games from lots of people and projects. Here is the list of acknowledgements, as I remember them. If I left anyone off, please let me know.

We had a discussion of schedule games on the AYE wiki, which helped me remember just how many games there are.

I'm pretty sure I first discussed Schedule Chicken with Dave Smith and Jerry Weinberg. I recently discussed it more with Benson Margulies.

I can't remember when I first learned about the name of 90 % done. I'm fairly sure it's already in the literature somewhere. If anyone knows a definitive reference, I'd love to know what it is.

I learned about the name for Bring me a Rock from Jerry Weinberg.

I first learned about Hope is Our Most Important Strategy from Esther. And, Hal's post triggered me to write this series.

I first heard of Queen of Denial from Benson Margulies.

I'd run into Sweep Under the Rug a bunch of times in my consulting practice, and I think I heard Elisabeth Hendrickson name it.

I first heard Tim Lister talk about Happy Date.

Elisabeth Hendrickson named Pants on Fire”.

I think I named Schedule == Commitment. It's funnier when I talk about it, show the guillotine maneuver and explain commitment. Update: Dave Smith may have had a hand in naming this game back in 1998.

My husband named Chasing Skirts (or We'll Know Where We Are When We Get There).

I don't know if Esther or I came up with the name The Schedule Tool is Always Right.

If you know of other schedule games, or have heard other references for these games, please let me know.

2 thoughts on “Acknowledgements for Schedule Games”

  1. The 90% Done game reminds me of an engineering rule of thumb. “The 90-90 rule of project schedules: The first 90 percent of the project takes 90 percent of the allotted time. The last 10 percent takes the other 90 percent.”

  2. Pingback: PM Interviews: Johanna Rothman « Outside of the Triangle

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