Speaking at Sept 19 Yahoo! Program Management Council

I'm giving at a talk at the Sept 19 Yahoo! Program Management Council, Managing for Collaboration. You might think this is a bit of an oxymoron: Managing for collaboration? But when you have programs, collections of projects where the business value is in the deliverable that the collection brings, you have to manage, influence, and negotiate across the organization. Here is the description of the talk.

Managers create a system, an environment, in which the teams can thrive or dive. But which one? And, how do they do it?

Agile managers create an environment of collaboration for the teams and for the managers. They do this by optimizing at the highest level of their influence, not the lowest. This is a huge change and challenge, because it may be opposite from how they have worked and have been asked to work in the past.

I’ll discuss the four prongs of program management: to set the strategy, to build trusting relationships, to remove organizational obstacles, and to build the capacity of the organization.

Please RSVP no later than, September 14, 2011, to:  pferguso@yahoo-inc.com

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