60 Seconds of Johanna’s Writing WIP for March 22, 2024

microphoneThis week, my writing WIP is from the speaking book.


Or, watch the video.

The Transcript:

I’m Johanna Rothman, and this is 60 Seconds of Johanna’s WIP for March 22, 2024, where I read an excerpt of just a minute of some writing in progress.

This excerpt is from the speaking book.

Do You Worry About Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome occurs when you feel as if you are not competent. You might even feel as if you had nothing to do with your previous successes. When you speak, you might worry your audience sees through your supposed competence.

That's why I recommend you only speak from your specific expertise and unique experiences.

As long as you have some unique experience, you can design and deliver a talk that specific audiences will find useful. It all depends on how you design your talk.

For example, if you’re worried about being an imposter, consider this design:

  • For the first part of your talk, choose one of your unique experiences, anonymizing the situation. Explain what you learned.
  • For the second part of your talk, create several specific questions for the audience to discuss. Ask people to move people into groups or breakout rooms and give them specific time to discuss those questions.
  • That leads directly into the third part of your talk, where they debrief their conversations to the room. You might need to facilitate their debrief, which also displays your expertise.


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